The FTPS server allows access to all of the raw files that I have made available to end-users. Currently this totals about 60TB of the 80TB total files in my archive. Eventually, all of the files will be made available, but some need a bit more organizing first.
The following content is currently available via FTP:
- Plex Media Content
- Software Library
- ROMs
The following content will be available soon, when I get around to sorting it:
- Source Code
- Books/Fanfic
- Website Rips
- Youtube Channel Rips
- Music/Soundtracks
- Podcasts
NSFW Content Warning: Some of the content you can access via the FTP server contains NSFW material. This may include include pictures, videos, text, and complete website rips. No content will ever be removed from the archive, if you don’t like it, don’t download it.
Malicious Content Warning: Some of the content you can access via the FTP server may be untested, or may contain embedded malware that I have not detected. Always use caution when opening or installing any software, and test it in a VM first whenever possible.
To login to the FTP server, you will need an FTP client, and credentials.
For the client, I recommend WinSCP
Do not use FileZilla, as the creator has been known to distribute malware in the installer.
For credentials, contact me. You cannot access the FTP server anonymously and require a unique account which I will create upon request.
Logging in to FTP
The example uses WinSCP, if you use a different client you will need to figure it out for yourself
Fill in the following details:
Protocol: FTP
Encryption: Explicit TLS/SSL
Hostname: ftp.kcshome.net
Port: 821
Username: your username
Password: your password

Once logged in, you can browse around and download files as you wish.